Dystopian AI Future Debuts At Kansas City Unicorn Theatre

We talked about this last week as well but this write-up is worth a look for fans of local theater AND readers of our longtime favorite hipster mag . . . Check-it:

"If you’ve been on the hunt for jobs in the last year, you’ve almost certainly encountered gigs for helping to train A.I. in some format, from writing to testing to feedback to even (extremely low-paying) voice recording work. Where are we supposed to participate in this when all work seems to be trending toward helping digital models make the next giant leaps for/against mankind? More specifically, should we be taking low-paying work to help train our own replacements? If that’s where the work is, it’s hard to turn it down. But if you engage, are you making certain that, in the long run, there’s no need for your skillset at all?

"This whole mishmash of disconnect takes centerstage in writer Carla Milarch’s captivating new play Doctor Moloch, currently onstage at the Unicorn Theatre."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Training A.I. to replace us takes centerstage in Unicorn's world premiere of Doctor Moloch

Doctor Moloch at Unicorn. // Photo by Don Ipock In a time of unprecedented throwing your hands up in the air and asking wtf is going on, next to the systemic dismantling of our government by an unelected oligarch one of the most pressing areas of confusion, frustration, and ethical quandary is the rapid creep of artificial intelligence into every...
