A followup report from an immigration raid in Liberty is interesting because it speaks to the bigger conversation about mass deportation.
Read closely and notice a great deal of confusion given that Prez Trump's campaign promises pledged to go after violent criminals first . . .
In this raid there is word but no documentation of an alleged creeper . . . And then 12 allegedly undocumented/illegal workers detained.
Now . . .
Conservative TKC commenters have already expressed their wholehearted support and we shouldn't forget that we live in between two VERY RED states.
However . . .
There is a lot of push back via social media, again, because the MAGA roundups were SUPPOSED to target the worst offenders primarily. Three weeks in that might not be the case with the exception of an alleged creeper suspect who NOBODY is crying for . . .
A truism that we'll try to keep as objective as possible . . .
MAGA mass deportations aren't pretty and even the fiercest conservatives might not have factored public sympathy for crying families, youngsters and women.
Sure, it's easy to act like a tough guy behind the keyboard but let's not pretend that this kind of drama MIGHT move voters in a different direction. OR, even more likely, so much dehumanizing language that infects immigration conversations becomes harder to justify outside the vicious circle of online trolls and bots.
Don't worry . . . It gets worse.
The downside is that a great deal of human misery will be exploited for political gain and profit by both sides and the "solution" is to demean very real suffering and/or legit concerns about border security in order to spark anger and attempt to preserve a broken immigration system.
It's all pretty miserable but part of an American crisis that reached the tipping point under the horrific tenure of former Prez Biden but actually started hitting critical mass with Reagan's amnesty back in the 1980s.
This quote stands out from our perspective and, like it or not, reveals local law enforcement confusion:
Sheriff Will Akin said he found out from a panicked phone call from a family friend, a kid, who was a DACA recipient.
“He was like, ‘Will, I don’t know what to do. I mean, is my DACA status valid? I mean, are they going to come over here? Are they going to take me at the business that (I work) at?’” Akin recounted. “And I was like, ‘What’s going on?’”
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Sheriff, restaurant staff respond to Homeland Security immigration enforcement action at Liberty restaurant
When a customer took photos and video of police clad in vests with the letters HSI milling around El Potro Mexican Restaurant in Liberty as he was having lunch, he posted them on social media and a firestorm erupted.
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