Inspiring Kansas City Community Newspaper Design Revealed

Even in a world dominated by social media templates and online documents . . . We still believe there is a place for print media if only because so much of what we see is selected for us and newspaper still offer a way to discover stories organically and lean how experts present the world around us. 

However . . . 

Newspapers are now niche, slower and more thoughtful . . . This isn't a bad thing.

Accordingly . . . And because it probably won't show up in your social media feed . . .

Just for Sunday we wanted to share the work of a local print worker and how he practices his age-old craft . . . Check-it . . .  

“I really work hard to make The Leaven as reader-friendly as possible. I want people to pick up The Leaven and read every story from cover to cover. I do my best to make sure each story gets noticed, I want it to be read and I want people to enjoy it, to have fun, and ultimately learn and grow in their faith. That’s really what we’re all about, striving towards heaven.”

Read more via link . . .

Good newspaper design brings Catholics together - The Leaven Catholic Newspaper

"Good design gets newspapers noticed."
