Will Kansas City Shut Down Urbavore Urban Farm Amid Snow Storm Distraction?!?

City hall ALWAYS prefers to accomplish unpopular policy aims when nobody is looking.

Credit where it's due . . . This op/ed from the newspaper clarifies a great deal of the complicated zoning and political chatter . . . Check-it:

"It is very simple: The zoning violation against Urbavore is improper, and it should be reversed by the Board of Zoning Adjustment at the appeal hearing on Wednesday, Jan. 8."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas City gave Urbavore farm the OK - on official letterhead. It must keep its word | Opinion

Tell the mayor and City Council to reverse the urban farm's zoning violation, or other small businesses will lose faith that they can operate here. | Opinion
