The Pitch Seyz 'Politics Is Over'

We almost missed this New Year's resolution from our favorite Kansas City hipster magazine. 

The main point . . .


 We're not sure if that's a good biz move given that bands can do their own publicity and political action committees have muscled in on local lifestyle reporting by tricking college students with a promise of a future in politics in return for DECADES of volunteering. 

Still . . .

The Pitch hasn't filed a decent political report in about two years . . . Actually, their political coverage has been lacking since they lost their last real reporter. 

Nowadays . . . The mag farms out it's political coverage from the local news cartel but every once in awhile offers some decent freelancer a chance to shine.

Nevertheless . . .

What we like about this declaration is that it captures the frustration of so many younger Kansas City voters who aren't crying "liberal tears" but actively looking for a way to subvert the status quo -- A prospect that might seem dangerous to both progressives & conservatives. 

Check-it . . .

Politics is over.

Or at least politics is over as a useful concept, in the way many of us once approached it. What did the idea of ‘politics’ mean to you? Was it just elections? Was it candidates? Was it seeing a group that more or less shared some of your perspectives? Was politics just the process of voting? Was politics leaving one news channel on all day while you allowed pundits to make your blood boil over your enemies in a manufactured culture war—lassoing fears and uncertainty to keep your adrenaline raging? Was politics lecturing people online?

Politics in all these forms have failed us. They have allowed us to fail each other. They have created, not racial, economic, or class divides, but a full split down the middle of reality. The systems and institutions that were once the levers of power guiding America have spent most of my lifetime slowly grinding to a halt. The government is not getting anything done, because internal strife and performative pandering have made consensus impossible. Even the leaders of both legislative parties have proven themselves to be scattered, confused, and obsessed with platforms that are little more than platitudes.

‘Politics’ has failed us . . .

Read more via link . . .

Letter from the Editor: A simple plan

2025 is here for 365 days. This month's Letter from the Editor illustrates some challenges our city faces and our Blueprint for 2025.
