New assessments are coming this year and already the news isn't hopeful.
However . . .
We noted the Ruby Jean's property tax struggle earlier this week . . .
Thankfully, our hipster pals at The Pitch picked up the story and we don't mind sharing their far more emotional hot take on the impending fight that might conclude with the departure of the Executive.
Check-it . . .
"Ruby Jean’s is now the single highest-taxed property in Jackson County and has made national news. The reason it’s so high is that the previous owner of the building did not apply for tax abatement after renovations. When Goode took over, he was left with the rising price.
"A physical inspection is required when a property’s taxes are increased by over 15%.
"But THE OWNER says no one set foot on his property."
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Ruby Jean's Juicery makes national news as single highest-taxed property in Jackson County
Ruby Jean's Juicery owner Chris Goode has appealed a 657% property tax increase and plans to sue Jackson County if state representatives aren't successful in defending his business. Ruby Jean's is now the single highest-taxed property in Jackson County and has made national news.
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