Earlier in the week, TKC offered an off-hand prediction that the guy won't last a year.
A very smart response came in that I wanted to highlight for everybody who didn't see it:
"I will bet you $100 Patterson stays speaker for the next 2 years. Only 10 GOP state reps voted against his speakership. All 55 democratic state reps voted for Patterson. The math ain't mathin' too good for the St. Louis-based "freedom" caucus to take Patterson out. Also, I will guess that Patterson will be insulated from Amendment 3 fallout not only because he raised a significant amount of money for the GOP MO House campaign committee that KEPT their SUPER-Majority status in the '24 election cycle but also Governor Kehoe will back Patterson if there is any significant move against him."
Now . . .
That bet is too rich for a humble basement blogger . . . BUT . . . I respect that thoughtful reply which ASSUMES that alliances that start the session will hold throughout the session . . . And that NEVER happens.
We'll wait and see . . . For now, here's public radio giving the guy a foot massage . . .
"Kansas Citians have a strong showing in leadership positions this legislative session —including Missouri's new House Speaker, Lee's Summit Republican Jonathan Patterson. It's the first time a Kansas City-area speaker was elected since 1857, which Patterson said is "very significant" for people in the region."
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Missouri's new House Speaker is from Lee's Summit. How much will that help Kansas City?
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