As always . . .
We have to preface this post with a reminder that the newspaper author who penned this piece is a Pulitzer Prize winner who is now giving voice to RIDICULOUS SPECULATION regarding the specter of a villain who took the coward's way out in the Dotte.
Tragically, but still for the best and whilst still realizing the trauma that comes with very real victimization. Any reasonable person would have answered these concerns by telling people to: "GROW UP!!!" Maybe even something a bit more kind but still firm and focused on factual analysis.
TKC Fact Check . . .
Meanwhile . . .
It's our contention that Kansas City's largest daily newspaper platforming fears of Golubski's ghost is unwittingly diminishing the tragic reality of the pain endured by his victims.
Here's the word . . .
Federal prosecutors “just told us, ‘I promise you he’s dead but I can’t show you any proof,’” said Michelle, who was all ready to testify that Golubski raped her after offering her a ride home from a public park in his police car. “I think they went in and faked his death. Higher up people with a lot to lose” if the case did go to trial “can make him disappear just like the Mafia.’’
I don’t believe that is what happened. But then, I never thought he’d be allowed to turn up dead, either, because I naively believed that even on the loosiest goosiest possible home detention, somebody would have had eyes on him the morning that he was finally going to be called to account for his decades of predation. Instead, as the U.S. Marshal for Kansas, Golubski’s former KCKPD boss Ron Miller, told me, “He was in charge of getting himself to court.”
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Golubski victims still don't believe ex KCK cop is dead: 'I check every day' for obit | Opinion
After Kansas City, Kansas, police detective Roger Golubski shot himself, women who accused him of rape and sexual abuse doubt the story.
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