Kansas City Star Conservative Counterpoint On Disastrous Higher Taxes

This one is only for old-school readers who follow along with mainstream editorials . . .

Remember that the newspaper touted higher taxes because that might or might not protect us from fires and snowstorms. 

Now . . .

To his credit, the only conservative working with the paper offers a rebuttal . . . Take a peek:

"The editorial highlights snow removal as a quintessential public service. Plowing streets and clearing snow are basic municipal functions — services most residents expect in exchange for their tax dollars. But that’s only half the story. When governments underperform, taxpayers foot the bill for inefficiency, not the service they deserve. Neighborhoods that remain impassable days after a storm aren’t failed by logistics — they’re failed by governance."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

KC blizzard, California fires are a call for better government, not just more of it | Opinion

From snowplows to firefighting funding, governments must ensure effective use of resources. Accountability in public spending is critical.
