Kansas AG Kobach Complaint Against Pr0n Sites Could Cost Company 50 MILLION Bucks

Actually . . .

This constitutional question regarding obscenity will likely be decided by SCOTUS. 

Texas challenges to age-verification will probably dictate how this struggle will move forward. 

In the meantime . . . The Kansas conservative legal maverick is at the forefront of the conversation and maybe the moment when a lot of dudes part company with Republicans.

Also . . .

In the meantime the VPN biz is booming and proving that most people are either hypocritical or naive about American consumption of pr0n.

Here's the word . . .

"Kobach named SARJ LLC, a Washington-based company, as the defendant. It claims the company owns, licenses and distributes content for the 13 pornographic websites . . .

"Kobach alleges that SARJ violated the Internet Content Harmful to Minors Act and Kansas that became law on July 1. It made companies that host easily accessible content that is “harmful to minors” civilly liable for up to $10,000 per day per violation fine. If successful, and if each website is considered a violation under the two counts, SARJ could be liable for over $50 million in damages."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Porn websites could owe Kansas $50 million over lack of age verification

SARJ, a Washington IT firm, is the first company charged under a new Kansas law requiring age verification processes on sites with adult content.
