Hickman Mills Honors Kansas City Statesmen Alvin Brooks & John Sharp

Posted for #TBT and because whether they know it or not . . . Both of these local leaders have influenced the conversation here at TKC . . . Here's South Side tribute that might've been disputed by a few residents but now can't be denied . . .

"The new south middle school, which opened this school year and serves 6th-8th graders, will be renamed the Alvin Brooks Middle School. The Ervin Early Learning Center, which provides Pre-K programming, will be renamed the John Sharp Early Education Center. Both schools are located on the Ervin campus at 10530 Greenwood Road."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Hickman Mills renames schools to honor longtime advocates

New south middle school and early education center will carry the legacies of two "living legends"
