Newsflash: Gunfire Spikes Amid Worsening Kansas City 2024 Violence

Credit where it's due . . .

The current administration wants to claim success in lowering crime stats this year but NOBODY is buying it . . . Not even The Star.

Instead . . .

Here's a worthwhile stat to consider . . .

"At the end of November, the number of what police term as “bullet-to-skin victims” stood at 544. That’s up 14% from 477 reported for the same period last year. While this year won’t likely break the record of 626 non-fatal shooting victims set in 2020, it’s already become the second most violent year in Kansas City’s history for non-fatal shootings. And police are not able to say why."

Read more via link . . .

Gun violence soars in Kansas City, but this year it's not homicides. Non-fatal shootings are up

The number of homicides could dip to pre-COVID levels in Kansas City. So why are non-fatal shootings soaring and what is being to do stop it?
