Here was the main problem with a main strike inside the loop . . .
A brief explanation in Economic 101 for our social justice activist . . .
Downtown Kansas City living space remains in highly coveted and even the slums have people DESPERATELY waiting to find a space at the lowest cost possible.
And so . . . Our blog community talked about this consequence a couple of weeks ago but now it's worth taking a quick look at how the newspaper sees it . . .
"Union members went on a rent strike Oct. 1, but then halted the strike on Dec. 1 to show their commitment to working with Sentinel, they said. At the height of the strike, according to White, 65 tenants withheld their rent. Since then, 16 tenants in units who were on strike have received eviction notices, according to a KC Tenants news release. Sentinel also issued 10 lease non-renewals against strikers in November; acts the union is calling retaliatory."
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Tenants ended rent strike at KC complex. Weeks later, some hit with eviction notices
Some KC Tenant union members in the Quality Hill Towers apartments have received eviction notices weeks after pledging to de-escalate their rent strike as a sign of good faith to management.
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