Kansas Conservatives Decry 'Womyn' Alternative Spelling

Yay or nay . . . The bottom line is that even po'dunk Kansas schools can't have a spelling bee without a political argument.

Punchline and our bright side perspective . . .

Let's not get too worked up about the outcome given that the VERY BRILLIANT students of Indian tech worker migrant parents will likely win the competition anyhoo.

Here's the word . . .

Scripps would not respond to questions about accepting an inaccurate spelling of ‘women,’ but according to the Oxford English Dictionary, ‘womyn’ is the “nonstandard spelling of “women” adopted by some feminists in order to avoid the word ending -men . . . “Randy Watson (Kansas Education Commissioner) said that the KPA (Kansas Principal’s Association) hosts the state spelling bee. As a school board member, I can possibly make it so no alternate spelling of words are used. Or at least attempt that.

“On the state level, since there is no funding directly going to KPA I am not sure what to do to stop this crazy indoctrination of our children.”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

"W-o-m-e-n" or "w-o-m-y-n"? Scripps says either is correct for 3rd grade Spelling Bee - The Sentinel

Scripps Spelling Bee officials won't say why an incorrect spelling is accepted.
