Kansas City Weed Tax Will Fund Even More Anti-Violence Programs

Better post title for this new trend: 

Up In Smoke.

Here are the basics . . .

A symposium in March 2024 brought together 500 stakeholders who produced a 42-page plan for reducing gun violence, known as KC United for Public Safety. The initiative is rooted in community based policing, neighborhood engagement, intervention and support for those reentering society after prison.

The goal is to reduce violent crime by 50% over five years. And there’s funding: Council agreed to allocate $30 million of its budget over that same time period, along with the addition of ⅓ of the city’s marijuana sales tax (estimated at $3-$10 million annually), to use toward violence prevention.

Parks-Shaw says the city will look to philanthropic partners to help. While Omaha received $500 million from the state of Nebraska for its efforts, Parks-Shaw is doubtful Jefferson City will send state support. “But I’ll ask. We know we need significantly more money.”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Mayor Pro Tem talks solutions to gun violence

KC's plan aims to reduce violent crime by 50% over five years
