Kansas City Star Still Hates KCPD?!?

Of course . . . Hate is a strong word.

However, we wanted to share a perspective noted by more than a few readers regarding this longstanding line of rhetoric . . .

Reasonable news readers can CLEARLY detect more than a bit of ongoing anti-police BIAS in this latest report that mostly echos a great deal of activist argumentation over the years.

Here's the basics of the story and the sketchy headline posted just moments ago . . . 

"The suit accused (the) officer of assaulting PLAINTIFF, a Lansing, Kansas, resident who filed the lawsuit in February, at a Platte County Walmart in September 2022 while he was off-duty but in uniform. It’s not the first lawsuit filed against THE OFFICER over allegations of excessive force. The officer has shot and killed three people, shot and injured another, and has been accused of hurting multiple other people."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Woman to get $65K from KCPD after suing over alleged assault by officer who killed 3 people
