Former Kansas City Northeast News Interns Scold Nonprofit Board

Again . . . For the record . . . A trend & truism we think deserves consideration regarding the future of dead-tree media and hyper-local journalism altogether . . .

The litany of 2024 problems suffered by The Northeast News remind us that the nonprofit model for community journalism simply doesn't work.

A bit more explanation . . . 

We can't deny some nonprofit news website success stories at the national or even the statewide level . . . But there simply isn't the cash to fund neighborhood reporting and the nonprofit structure allows for "too many chefs" to rob the local news of its relevance and street level perspective. 

Accordingly . . . 

Thanks to AWESOME TKC READERS we wanted to make sure our blog community witnesses a historic local journalistic institution suffering more problems and a confessional column documenting the situation.

Of course we want to share a link to the letter from former interns that "names names" . . . However, from our vantage this is the most relevant passage . . . Check-it . . .

"The Northeast News will continue to suffer and ultimately die if daily meddling and micromanagement from the current HNE Media Board continues to happen. For nearly a century The Northeast News has been ingrained into the Historic Northeast Kansas City community. Through the highs and lows, one thing remained steadfast -- The loyal readers of both print and online content. It is too valuable to be slowly drowned by an ineffective and apathetic board."

Read more via link . . .

Board Muzzles Community News Source
