Kansas City Mayor Q 2024 Year In Review

For morning readers with a few moments to spare we share this sit down with Kansas City's top ranking leader on 12th & Oak . . . He answers an alleged "nothing-burger" controversy from last week and shares hopeful sentiments about the past 12 months and local life going forward.

And then a couple of our favorite newsies consider local headlines over the past few days.

Check the description . . .

"Nick Haines sits down with Mayor Quinton Lucas to discuss 2024's highs and lows, to make some predictions for 2025 and to address recent criticism over expenditures and the source of the funds. Also, Dave Helling and Kris Ketz offer their thoughts on the Lucas criticisms, the Platte County sales tax for children's mental health services, renaming the downtown airport and the latest stadium news."

Take a look via www.TonysKansasCity.com embed . . .
