This news tidbit is making the rounds and brings up a bit of election history along with a somewhat notable political switcheroo on the topic . . . Garnered from practical experience and legal challenges.
Here are the basics . . .
"Kansas imposed a proof-of-citizenship requirement over a decade ago that grew into one of the biggest political fiascos in the state in recent memory.
"The law, passed by the state Legislature in 2011 and implemented two years later, ended up blocking the voter registrations of more than 31,000 U.S. citizens who were otherwise eligible to vote. That was 12% of everyone seeking to register in Kansas for the first time. Federal courts ultimately declared the law an unconstitutional burden on voting rights, and it hasn't been enforced since 2018."
Here's an important quote on the topic from the Kansas SecState . . .
Kansas provides a cautionary tale about how pursuing an election concern that in fact is extremely rare risks disenfranchising a far greater number of people who are legally entitled to vote. The state’s top elections official, Secretary of State Scott Schwab, championed the idea as a legislator and now says states and the federal government shouldn't touch it.
“Kansas did that 10 years ago,” said
Kansas Secretary of State Scott Schwab, a Republican. “It didn’t work out so well.”
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Kansas once required voters to prove citizenship. That didn't work out so well
Republicans made claims about illegal voting by noncitizens a centerpiece of their 2024 campaign messaging
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