Downtown Kansas City Honcho Demands South Loop & Stadium

A recent note from the new boss of the Downtown council isn't so much a progress report as it is a call to action . . . Here's the money line that offers a glimpse at the future . . . Check-it:

"Cities are judged by the vitality of their downtowns. Healthy downtowns draw employers, along with tourists and other visitors. Economic activity downtown benefits the entire metro area. Downtown KC, for instance, covers less than 1% of KCMO’s land area yet it accounts for roughly 20% of the City’s earnings tax revenue.

"We cannot rest on our laurels. Although we have accomplished so much, we are not finished. We are on the cusp of becoming one of the greatest downtowns in America. With the completion of the South Loop Lid and hopefully a new stadium for the Kansas City Royals, we will usher in a new era of unprecedented growth and investment that will help us to attract the best and brightest of the rising generation. To create a place where our children and grandchildren will want to live."

Read more via link . . .

Downtown Council: Incoming DTC Chair Gib Kerr’s Thoughts on Downtown KC Past, Present & Future

Developing . . .
