Actually . . . We always try to be fair and objective . . . But it seems like this guy his taking pretty good care of his pet . . . Here's the story that we hope is a publicity stunt . . . Check-it:
Kansas City Action For Animals will demonstrate on the sidewalk in front of the Pet Stop, asking for the release of Frankie, a monkey the pet store has cared for since he was young, so he can live in an animal sanctuary in Texas.
“We’ve been working for the last year, really formalizing this pressure campaign against Pet Stop, who’s keeping Frankie in extreme captivity,” said Amanda Williams, a community activist with Kansas City Action for Animals.
In a short statement, Greg Smith, the owner-operator of Pet Stop, a long-standing business in Shawnee, said the store wants to continue caring for Frankie.
“We have been Frankie’s sole caretaker for over 18 years. We will continue to provide a safe, healthy, and loving home for him,” he wrote.
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .