KCK Archbishop Hopes Christians Transform Western Culture Again

This lofty note about Christian non-violence from a top ranking cleric forgets a few things like . . .

- Bloody "faith-based" crusades against foreign lands. 

- Thousands of years of forced Christian conversions of native people across the world under the threat of violence. 

- Of course he probably doesn't expect that followers would think about the Spanish Inquisition. 

In fairness . . .

We're pretty much doing the same thing that the good archbishop is . . . Cherry picking history to make a point. 

By that same token . . . TKC doesn't wear a funny hat and hasn't asked for donations in a really long time. 

Nevertheless . . . 

We wanted to share this quote from the most outspoken Catholic leader in the Kansas City metro as he champions an institution that's fading ALMOST as fast as The Church . . . The American family . . . Check-it:

"Christians were willing to be imprisoned and likely executed rather than deny the true identity of Jesus Christ. This absolute commitment to honor the divinity of Jesus, no matter the consequences, eventually inspired the admiration of many Romans. The Christians were known not for their armies or military weapons but for their compassion and concern for those the world considered disposable. The pagans marveled at how the Christians loved one another!

"The courageous witness of the early Christians eventually transformed the dominant pagan culture. This cultural conversion did not happen overnight. It was the persistent faithful witness of the Christians to authentic love, the sanctity of life and the dignity of the human person that led to a nonviolent cultural revolution."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

The family is our most effective tool for transforming the culture - The Leaven Catholic Newspaper

The courageous witness of the early Christians eventually transformed the dominant pagan culture.
