Kansas City Faith Blogger Shares American Apology Thanksgiving Prayer

Former newsman and current blogger Bill Tammeus offers prayerful words which mourns his interpretation of American history and offer an apology at the outset of tomorrow's feast. 

Given that most of what students in the United States are taught about the development of this nation is either oversimplified or . . . Totally ignored in favor of social media memes . . . This prayerful pleading for forgiveness begs the question: 


  There's a lot to consider in that question but this offering of thanks is a good place to start . . .

"Help us -- especially on this Thanksgiving Day -- to remember the truth that the U.S. was built by crushing and nearly obliterating the Indigenous people who lived here when the European invaders arrived. And those invaders also used enslaved people from Africa to lay this nation's foundations. Once we are reminded of that sordid history, set our hearts and minds aright so that we may find a way forward that honors everyone who dwells in the U.S. And guide that work so that this patchwork nation may be a model for how to live together in peace and freedom."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Faith Matters: One way to give thanks at tomorrow's table
