The Dotte Demands Ballots En Español

Call it today's celebration of Hispanic Heritage month by local politicos . . . In fact, it's mostly an election season rally . . . Either way, here's the local advocacy manufactured for today that MIGHT OR MIGHT NOT represent the interests of local Latinos given their typically "casual" voting turnout numbers.

Check-it . . .

A coalition of politicians and organizations Tuesday campaigned to convince the Wyandotte County election commissioner to print ballots and other local election materials in Spanish to better serve one of the most diverse counties in the state.

The activists said they sought for the past 18 months to interest Wyandotte County Election Commissioner Michael Abbott in voluntarily expanding Spanish-language access with translated election resources. During a news conference, Mayor Tyrone Garner requested that Secretary of State Scott Schwab, who appointed Abbott, use his influence to convince Wyandotte County of the value in improving language access.

More than 1,000 county residents signed a petition urging action by Schwab and Abbott.

Read more via link . . .

Kansas activists urge Wyandotte County officials to expand Spanish language voting materials

Almost a third of Wyandotte County's population is Hispanic or Latino. Activists have campaigned for the last 18 months for the election commissioner to voluntarily offer Spanish-language election materials.

Groups push for Spanish-language ballots in Wyandotte County

Civil rights groups presented a petition with more than 1,000 signatures asking the Kansas Secretary of State to voluntarily provide voting materials, like ballots, in Spanish.
