Survey Seyz Kansas Split On Charges For Po-Po On Newspaper Bust

Posted merely to get a glimpse at how the public might feel on this nearly forgotten drama wherein the fate of a former police chief will be decided in court.

Still, the sentiment of the plebs might be worth considering . . .

In response, 48% said Cody was unjustified in believing the targets of the raid had broken the law. But 41% supported his belief, and 11% were unsure.

Only 23% said the raids were justified, while 63% said they were unjustified and 14% were unsure.

Half of the respondents faulted special prosecutors for concluding Cody shouldn’t be prosecuted because he truly believed the journalists and councilwoman had broken the law. And 62% said Cody should be prosecuted, while 22% said he should not be prosecuted and 13% were unsure.

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Survey shows most Kansans support criminal charge for police chief who led newspaper raid * Kansas Reflector

A new survey shows most Kansans believe former Marion Police Chief Gideon Cody should be prosecuted for raiding a newspaper office, editor's home and a city councilwoman's home last year.
