Show-Me Lies About Trans Care To Prevent Abortion Ban Defeat?!?

Here's what we know for certain . . .

Polling suggests that moderate Republicans are about to cross party lines and affirm abortion access in Missouri. 

In these last days of the campaign . . . 

Progressives allege that Missouri Republicans are attempting to connect the issue to trans care for youngsters. 

The only that that TKC knows for certain is that EVERYBODY is lying when it comes to campaign season persuasion. 

And so . . .

We merely serve to lay out how we see the arguments evolving as election day nears and share this progressive blog perspective that a few of our readers noticed this morning . . . Check-it:

Amendment 3, if passed by a simple majority of voters, would grant all Missourians “the right to make and carry out decisions about all matters relating to reproductive health care, including but not limited to prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, birth control, abortion care, miscarriage care and respectful birthing conditions.”

The provision has become a target for anti-abortion activists seeking to undermine the amendment by saying it would legalize gender-affirming care for minors.

Gov. Mike Parson and U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley, both Republicans, have argued Amendment 3 would allow minors to obtain gender transition surgeries without parental consent.

The claim also pops up on billboards, anti-Amendment 3 literature and in church bulletins at several Catholic parishes around the state.

But legal and medical experts interviewed by The Independent say this claim is a stretch at best — and at worst, an outright lie. Gender-affirming care, they say, would not be impacted by Amendment 3.

Read more via link . . .

Legal experts dismiss attempt to link Missouri abortion amendment to transgender health care * Missouri Independent

The claim the abortion amendment could legalize transgender health care has popped up on billboards, fliers and churches around Missouri.
