Show-Me Latino Vote Rising?!?

Probably not . . .

We've heard this refrain since the 80s and it hasn't happened locally.

Or nationally . . . 

In fact . . .

The new trend that nobody REALLY likes talking about is the rising number of Latino Republicans and conservatives who don't vote the way that progressives would have hoped

In fact . . . Some of them are even anti-immigration . . . Imagine . . .

Either way, here's a nicer take on the topic . . .

"While Missouri’s Latino community is still relatively small, it’s growing — and fast. That has political strategists eyeing Latino voters in Missouri as an increasingly influential force in future elections."

Read more via link . . .

Missouri's growing Latino voter base could reshape the political landscape - one day

Though Missouri's Latino population is still relatively small, it's growing rapidly. Political watchers say the vote could be increasingly influential in future elections, but reaching and convincing Latino voters is not simple.
