Rising Kansas City Crime Impacts East Side Library & Staffers

Credit where it's due . . . Whilst we joke about libraries all the time . . . There's no question that librarians working in the urban core deserve our respect for the myriad of challenges they confront on a daily basis. 

Here's a worthwhile report on upholding knowledge amid Kansas City chaos . . . Check-it:

"Group arguments move into the library and unfold. Intoxicated people have ended up in Bluford and patrons have to be reminded to follow rules or be escorted out. All while dedicated staff, who say they take pride in welcoming and serving the needs of everyone who comes into the neighborhood library, try to keep peace and order. And Bluford — where staffers spend more time fulfilling the basic needs of the low-income community than checking out books — has been caught in the middle."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

At a Kansas City street corner in crisis, here's how library staff keep doors open to all

"When you walk out that door, it's every man for themselves. ... It makes me feel the urge to walk back inside the library."
