Ricochet Clips Kansas City Newsie At STUPID Lucas Kunce Publicity Stunt

And now it's time for Kansas City Democratic Party voters to stand up and do the decent thing.

At the very least, everyone needs to realize that Lucas Kunce doesn't deserve to be a Missouri political candidate any longer. 


Today's reason . . .


Don't worry . . . 

Many conservatives are already telling people that Kunce shot a newsie which is INCORRECT but would actually generate more support than the incompetent way things REALLY went down. 

Still . . .

What deserves to be mentioned is that Democratic Party supporters have often poked fun at Missouri Republicans and their silly commercials featuring flame throwers and heavy artillery but at least they didn't hurt anybody during their dumb campaign ads that overcompensate for heaven-only-knows what kind of shortcomings. This time around the "progressive" drew first blood by way of friendly fire and it reminds us that he's a loser of a politico who doesn't deserve to be taken seriously by ANYBODY.

As always, we welcome reader insight into the sitch.

Check the basics . . .

"A bullet fragment struck a TV reporter at a shooting range during a campaign event on Tuesday for U.S. Senate candidate Lucas Kunce, who provided first aid to the journalist.

"The reporter, KSHB-TV’s Ryan Gamboa, began bleeding from his arm. Kunce, who spent 13 years in the Marines, wrapped gauze and his belt around the reporter’s arm to help stop the bleeding. The wound was later wrapped with medical tape. Gamboa remained at the range and continued on his assignment."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

TV reporter struck by bullet fragment at Lucas Kunce shooting range campaign event

U.S. Senate candidate Lucas Kunce was shooting a rifle at a campaign event when a TV reporter was injured in the arm by a bullet fragment. Kunce delivered first aid.

KSHB 41 reporter injured at Lucas Kunce campaign event

A KSHB 41 News reporter was hit by a metal fragment Tuesday afternoon while covering a campaign event for Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Lucas Kunce.
