KC Tenants Earn National Hype Reel Support As Rent Strike Cont'd

Actually . . .

The short clip is worthwhile and, again, we don't doubt the suffering of locals living in squalid conditions.

Our main dispute is with tactics that risk serious credit damage and possible eviction for low-income residents. 

For better and worse . . . Progressives across the nation will overlook po'folk putting themselves on the line for political gain . . . Accordingly . . . We notice moviemaker support that tugs at heart strings but doesn't contemplate the downside of collective bargaining risks . . . Check-it . . .

"Kansas City tenants just launched the largest rent strike in decades. They're burning up their rent notices to demand a new landlord, a national rent cap, and the right to collectively bargain their leases. And they could change renting in America as we know it."

True . . . OR . . . It could also get low-income people evicted. 

Take a look via www.TonysKansasCity.com embed . . .
