Don't worry . . . That's a bit of AI art that we wanted to share with evening readers.
Even better, here's the real deal quote from a Kansas City resident speaking out against big biz playing real estate games in an embattled Midtown neighborhood . . . Check-it:
Almost every home in the neighborhood is owned by Kansas City Life Insurance Company.
91 year-old Jim Wholey claims the company let the homes fall into disrepair over the years.
"But they are the ones that caused it," he said. "They knew they were doing it and they got it down to that stage to where that’s probably what they need to do now."
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Residents in Kansas City's Valentine Neighborhood holds memorial for demolished homes
People living in Kansas City, Missouri's, Valentine Neighborhood held a memorial Monday night to honor the loss of homes in their neighborhood.
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