Kansas City Threatens To Give Away Washington Square Park To Royals Without Vote

And so . . .

Just in time for election season we learn the local democracy is kind of a bad joke and all of the important decisions are mandated without public consent . . . From global war to local development.

Here's an example form the home team . . .

"The newest Royals ballpark site would uniquely position Kansas City to take over from Jackson County as the team's landlord, and without another public vote."

A quick quote we liberated tells a bit about the mechanics of how it might work: 

"While selling any city parkland requires public approval at a special election, that wouldn't be the case with a ground lease. A city spokesperson last month said the charter authorizes the Board of Parks & Recreation Commissioners to lease or license "any land, building or parts thereof in any park" — and without any term limit — as long as all funds derived from the lease or license are used for park purposes."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . . Sorry, paywall, but worth it . . .

KC could offer Washington Square Park for Royals ballpark without public vote - Kansas City Business Journal
