Kansas City Star Seyz KU 'Shoot Them' Professor Was Merely Joking

This weak defense of dumb commentary is actually disappointing for many reasons but mostly because it features dead-tree media playing apologist for rhetoric they take VERY seriously when it coming from political opponents. 

Here's the dead-tree perspective for the last remaining subscribers . . .

"When he made a joke about shooting male voters who won’t vote for women, he probably wasn’t trying to upset anybody. That’s not his M.O. He thought his class and colleagues would agree. Fusty deans might not like it, he realized after making the comments, but no biggie, it was just a few laughs at the expense of the kind of right-wing troglodytes out there in Kansas who pay his salary and will vote for Donald Trump over Kamala Harris."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

KU prof faces backlash over joke: The real problem is unbalanced politics on campus. | Opinion

University of Kansas lecturer Phil Lowcock told students that males who won't vote for women should be shot. KU's unbalanced political viewpoints are the root cause. | Opinion
