Kansas City Star Endorses Unlikely Rep. Crystal Quade For Missouri Governor

Undoubtedly, this long shot call is hopeful.

But here's what the newspaper isn't telling readers . . . 

Recent polling doesn't put Rep. Quade anywhere close to striking distance and it will be a real life miricle if she wins given that even KC Democratic Party leaders are getting cozy with the GOP candidate and working to get a head start on next year's agenda. 

If the newspaper cared about readers over agenda they might share some of this political background but instead they're playing the political cheerleader with this progressive sacrifice . . . Check-it:

"But it is Quade who we support in this race to become Missouri’s first female governor. Missourians need a governor who supports a woman’s right to choose her own personal health care. Kehoe isn’t that person."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas City Star: "A woman’s right to choose her own reproductive health care is on the ballot in November’s general election. Crystal Quade, a Democratic candidate for Missouri governor, understands the importance of this. Her Republican opponent, Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe, does not."

Developing . . .
