Kansas City Star Celebrates Witchcraft

In this passage Kansas City's paper of record offers "diverse & inclusive" reporting on faith practices that have even less merit that old-school dudes wearing funny hats and fancy collars. 

Here's a peek at the Halloween season missive . . .

"Vodou, like many other religions, is about spiritual healing, enlightenment and community. For many years the Vodou faithful have kept their beliefs quiet and practiced the religion in private, fearful of any repercussions they might endure due to long-standing taboos surrounding the worship of deities and the intentional spread of misinformation.

"But that is changing. New and longtime Vodou practitioners, priests and priestesses are stepping out of the shadows and hosting panel discussions on speaking to the dead. And sacred African rituals honoring African deities are being held on the waterfront in a local park."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

KC's growing Vodou community emerges from shadows to dispel religion's misconceptions

"(Vodou) seems dark because people don't understand it. But at some point, all religions were dark until someone said that they weren't."
