Kansas City, Kansas Archbishop Denounces Abortion Culture Ahead Of Election 2024

The latest word from a top ranking cleric rebukes abortion and those who endorse it.

To be fair and examine the politics of the situation . . . This very same cleric was responsible for leading Kansas headlong into election defeat that actually turned the Sunflower State into one of the greatest abortion destination in the Midwest.

And so . . . Whilst we respect his church authority . . . Dude sucks at politics. More than that his political leadership has been so misguided and arrogant that it has contributed to Kansas Republican risking a historic party shift at the state house level.

Nevertheless . . . 

We share cultural admonition and abortion condemnation so that readers can decide for themselves . . .

"In recent years, abortion propagandists and the secular media prefer to refer to abortion as part of reproductive or preventive health care. There is nothing reproductive about abortion. The entire purpose of abortion is to stop reproduction, to end a new, vulnerable life. Abortion is not preventive. Pregnancy is not a disease, but actually a healthy condition.

"Abortion is not health care. Health care is to protect and care for human life. In every pregnancy, medically there are at least two human lives, two patients. The purpose of abortion is to destroy the life of the unborn child. In addition, abortion always scars emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and too often physically the second patient, the mother."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Casual acceptance of abortion is consequence of a failing culture - The Leaven Catholic Newspaper

Abortion advocates and their propagandists, who masquerade as journalists, have utilized doublespeak and lies for decades.
