Kansas City Cybertruck Drivers: Status Or Suckers?!?

First thing . . . 

No hate on Elon Musk . . . Not that it matters.

It's actually hilarious that the richest dude in the world bought a social media platform FOR BILLIONS just to garner more likes, attention and fans. It was more expensive but probably more rewarding than Bezos mistakenly buying WaPo and having to cope with a bunch of angry journalists. They're both losing money hand over fist but at least Musk seems to be having fun burning cash by way of sh*tposting.

Meanwhile . . .

The Cybertuck might be the stupidest thing on four wheels since Chevy Corvair.


Simple . . . Let's start with a contrast . . .

The old school small version of the Ford Ranger is a much more practical, durable and beloved car for working-class people who actually work. 

Here's our favorite song in praise of the iconic vehicle . . . 

By contrast . . . 

The Cybertruck some how managed to be even more obnoxious than all of those scumbags who bought Beemers in the 80s. 

And if you see a Cybertruck in Kansas City . . . You're looking at somebody who likely values status over functionality and doesn't even have the decency to post a cleavage selfie like all of the top local news lady anchors.  

Also, this post is really just a counterpoint to news garbage from an otherwise decent South Side community newspaper with a few local testimonials . . . 

MCT: So what’s it like to drive a Cybertruck?

And so . . . 

We share a funny but exasperatingly earnest video on the topic that takes an even more cynical tone than TKC . . .

"Here's everything you really didn't want to know about the poorly-designed, dangerous, unnecessary vehicle constructed intentionally to look like it came out of a dystopian future."

Take a look via www.TonysKansasCity.com embed . . .
