Kansas City Church Committed To Helping Homeless Despite Member Stabbed In Chest

Follow-up and a second look at this scary South side story that not only included a brutal stabbing but also, reportedly, the homeless suspect grabbing at a police officer's gun.

Still . . . Here's a glimpse at the faith-based commitment . . .

“We’ll probably lock the doors more often than we kept them locked before. We’ll have people watching more carefully. We’ll make certain that we have a team together whenever we’re meeting with someone,” Dale Jones, the pastor in charge of administrative duties, said. “But I can’t imagine us just saying, ‘Go away.’ That’s not our style.”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Pastor: Stabbing outside south KC church won't stop compassionate approach

The church on the northeast corner of 119th Street and State Line Road preaches a message of compassion, but they try to balance that with caution.
