Jackson County Exec Shares COVID Cash Plan For Holidays

Of course TKC is going to share the deets but allow us a brief aside first . . . 


This plan might be as good as any other . . . 

Readers can decide for themselves.

What we know for certain is that the scheme was developed without much community interaction and by way of ongoing courthouse political struggles for power. 

On second thought and either way . . . 


That's our take . . .

Here's what the courthouse has to say this evening . . .

Jackson County Executive proposes $32.4 million ARPA allocation to support community programs, infrastructure

Plan based on legislative proposals; Requests immediate legislative action to deliver benefits before the holidays

 KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Jackson County Executive Frank White, Jr. today proposed a $32.4 million allocation from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to address essential community programs and infrastructure needs. In a letter to Budget Committee Chair, Legislator Jalen Anderson, the County Executive’s proposal builds on elements from two key resolutions that have been introduced and discussed in the budget committee and represent areas of consensus among legislators.
Additionally, a non-binding resolution related to ARPA was approved today. This resolution was significantly modified right before the vote and had not been publicly posted for the public’s input. As required by law, no ARPA funds may be released without an agreement between the Executive and Legislative branches. Such an agreement will be announced jointly by the County Executive and County Legislature, when appropriate.
“While I do not support this resolution, nor the process used to adopt it, I do believe there is a great deal of agreement and I will work with the Legislature to come to an agreement for the usage of all ARPA funds prior to any relevant deadlines,” said Jackson County Executive Frank White, Jr. “My compromise proposal is about taking action now to support our residents with the critical investments we all agree on, allowing us to issue requests for proposals immediately and have the funds in our community before the holidays.”
Key Elements of the Funding Proposal
The $32.4 million proposal reflects items included in Resolution 21764, sponsored by Legislators DaRon McGee and Sean Smith, and Resolution 21736, sponsored by Budget Committee Chair Legislator Anderson. These agreed-upon priorities include:

- Senior Home Repair Program: $2 million to support seniors with essential home repairs, prioritizing local, minority and women-owned businesses.

- Utility Assistance Program: $2.5 million to help residents cover essential utility costs, such as electricity, water and heating.

- Food Insecurity Program: $2 million to support local food banks, meal delivery services and community gardens.

- Community Non-Profit Facility Improvements: $5 million to help non-profits enhance their facilities and improve service delivery.

- County Infrastructure Improvements: $20.9 million to address critical capital maintenance projects, including renovations at University Health, courthouse ADA accessibility upgrades and enhancements to customer service and parking facilities.

By moving forward on these areas of agreement, Jackson County will begin addressing the needs of its residents while continuing discussions on the remaining $38 million in ARPA funds, which must be allocated by the end of 2024.
"Everyone involved understands the critical needs facing our County and I remain fully committed to working alongside our legislators to ensure that these funds are allocated effectively and responsibly,” White said. “Together, we will make certain that every dollar is directed where it can have the greatest impact, addressing the needs of our residents and strengthening our communities."

Moving Forward

The letter to Legislator Anderson outlines the details of this compromise and thanks him for his leadership in holding hearings and engaging with all members of the County Legislature to find collaborative solutions. This proposal is focused on delivering results for the people of Jackson County without delay.
If the Legislature passes this compromise proposal, Jackson County will issue Requests for Proposals (RFPs) to identify organizations to implement these programs and projects. This will ensure that ARPA funding reaches the community before the holidays, providing much-needed relief and infrastructure improvements.
Guided by Best Practices
The proposed allocations follow the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Best Practice Guidelines for ARPA funding, which recommend using one-time funds like ARPA for long-term investments in infrastructure and community programs that deliver lasting value. For more details on GFOA’s guidelines, visit the GFOA Best Practice Guide for ARPA Funding.


Developing . . .
