Here's How Kansas City Threatens To Ruin Southwest Blvd

City Hall plans to turn this urban section of road into something resembling one of the sh*tter parts of Overland Park. 

Our only hope to keep some of that iconic "Westside charm" is that 12th & Oak typically makes big promises and then forgets them or only achieves incremental and mostly unseen progress.

Still . . . Check the bright idea from council dudes . . .

Turns the four-lane street into one lane of traffic in each direction, with a center turning lane. This would force cars to slow down, create more parking and making it safer for people to walk across the street.

The plan would also add greenery to the street.

Other recommendations include adding lighting underneath the Interstate 35 bridge and installing nets under the bridge to keep pigeons away.

Read more via link . . .

Kansas City advances proposal for makeover to Southwest Boulevard

Kansas City officials are reviewing recommendations to improve Southwest Boulevard by adding crosswalks, turning lanes, more parking, new traffic signals and other changes.
