Fact Check: Ride-Share Apps Don't Solve Kansas City DUI Problem

Tragic fact for fellow futurists . . .

Tech doesn't help drivers make better decisions in Kansas City.

Credit to this community newspaper for crunching the numbers . . .

In 2013, the last full year before Uber and Lyft launched locally, Kansas City, MO recorded 982 DUI arrests. Last year, that number had grown to 1391.

Sergeant Blake Brownlee, the KCPD’s DUI Section Supervisor says the arrest data is a reflection of many things, beyond the rideshare apps inability to curb the poor decision-making of impaired drivers.

“The rideshare options have helped, but it’s not going to eliminate impaired driving,” Brownlee said. “The decriminalization of marijuana has certainly contributed to DUI’s.”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Despite a decade of rideshare apps, DUI's still a growing problem in KC

When Lyft, and then Uber, launched ten years ago, many local attorneys assumed the services would greatly reduce DUI arrests. The arrest data paints another picture.
