Clay Chastain Dives Into 'Deep State' KC Conspiracy As His Court Battle Endures

Friendly advice for this town's iconic petitioner . . .

It's never a good look or idea to openly criticize a judge. 

However . . .

Clay's political style has always defied conventional wisdom. 

And so . . . 

Here's the latest message he is sharing with all of KC media . . .

Clay Chastain Press Release: Just how deep is the 'deep state' in KC? Circuit Court Judge appears to have flipped since ruling against Mayor Lucas & the City's Motion to Dismiss Chastain's case (2316-CV33813) for malicious arrest, imprisonment and prosecution?

I'm just a layperson but since our court systems are funded by the public, they should be trustworthy to administer justice without bending to political pressure. I invite the media, or public, to follow this legal saga (Circuit Case No. 2316-CV33813 & Appeals Case No. WD87380) ... involving a KC Judge of the 16th Circuit Court and tell me where I am going wrong...
1. Lucas tried (unsuccessfully) to prosecute me in court over the City's false charges. City Judge Martina Peterson ruled I did nothing wrong. I sued Lucas & the City.  

2. Lucas did not like Judge Harrell being appointed to the case by the court, and demanded a new judge.

3. The new Judge, Judge Sarah Castle, ruled that I made a legitimate legal argument against Lucas for "falsely arresting & falsely imprisoning" me @ City Hall on Council day, and set the case for trial.

4. Stunned, and afraid of the political fallout, Lucas filed a bevy of legal motions protesting Judge Castle's courageous ruling.

a. Lucas filed a Writ of Prohibition in the Appeals Court to throw out Castle's ruling via their sovereign immunity argument. The Appeals court sent Judge Castle a notice to respond by August 16th.  This is where things changed. Judge Castle refused to respond and defend her ruling before the Appeals Court.

b. Mayor Lucas, meanwhile, filed a Motion for Summary Judgment in Castle's own Court to, again, try and have my case dismissed via a res judicata argument.

In a jaw-dropping reversal, Judge Castle ruled in Lucas' favor citing a (mere) procedural error on my part . As a 'Pro se' litigant, Judge Castle should have acted fairly and granted me leave to amend my filing (pro se arguments shall be "liberally construed to effectuate their purpose") so she could then rule on the merits of Lucas' Motion. She did not.

In response to that unfair ruling, I filed a Motion for Reconsideration (which included my amended brief which corrected the error). Yet again (like she did with the Appeals Court), Judge Castle refused to respond.

I have since filed an Appeal with the Missouri Western District Court of Appeals.

When judges hide behind their robes, do not respond and act in a confusing manner people cannot understand, it only invites suspicion from the people.

KC Activist, Clay Chastain


Developing . . .
