Witness Annoying Kansas City 'First Amendment Audit' At 12th & Oak

First Amendment audit videos are popular on Youtube because the formula is simple. 

Basically . . . 

Anybody can grab a camera and make a nuisance of themselves. 

More documentation for the record: 

What is a First Amendment Audit?

“A First Amendment audit occurs when people film public officials or employees to hold them accountable or ‘test’ their right to film in public spaces like town halls, libraries, police stations, parking lots, or state and local agencies.” The person filming the event is called the auditor, as they so named themselves. If the audit is uneventful, then the public space has passed the test. The test fails if a representative of the public space or police officer confront the auditor and threaten arrest, tell them to leave, or attempt to prevent filming. The issue, however, is that very few, if any, of the uneventful audits ever make it to the public waves. This raises the question of whether auditors really intend to expose the truth through their work or rather garner social media and online followers by intentionally creating hostile exchanges with people of authority.

Recently . . . A vlogger walked into city hall in KCMO to capture the footage and shared highlights. 

Our quick overview . . .

- The "investigative" citizen journalist walked right past council dude Crispin Rea without noticing and kinda proved that he MIGHT NOT be an expert in local politics. 

- Kudos to the security guard for explaining city hall rules to the camera dude and not backing down. 

- Public Works honcho Michael Shaw was probably the highlight of the video and his testy exchange with the online newsie was the highlight of an uneventful video.

Feel free to share your own insights on a clip that has garnered an impressive number of views.

Take a look via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Developing . . .
