Taylor Swift Suffers Polling Hit Amongst GOP As Kelce Psyop Conspiracies Resurface

Billionaire or not . . . The star's politics have impacted her public perception.

Here's a bit of data on her recent negatives and a familiar trope that attacks an alleged "showmance" and claims deep state involvement .  .  . Check-it . . .

A recent NBC News poll found that 47 percent of Republicans had an unfavorable view of Swift, a significant increase from the same poll taken a year before, which found that only 26 percent viewed her negatively.

Naturally, the more batshit side of the conservative base has been railing for months that Swift’s career (as well as that of her boyfriend, Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce) was a Democratic psyop, all but teeing her up to endorse Harris. Now that it’s finally happened, her decision appears to have pushed away the more hardline Trump supporters.

For Trump’s part, he stayed characteristically calm—oh, no wait. “I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT!” he posted in a rage.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Taylor Swift Has Republicans Seeing Red

As one might expect, the singer's endorsement of Kamala Harris hasn't gone over well with Trump's base.
