Sorry . . .
But this story is predicated on sympathy for (legal) drug dealers.
Problems supplying the stoners of Missouri shouldn't engender a lot of sympathy inasmuch as even the LEGAL drug trade has such high margins that the plebs aren't obliged to care . . . Check-it:
"The microbusiness program was sold to Missouri voters as a way to help victims of the War on Drugs get a toehold in this burgeoning industry. But contracts obtained in recent months by The Independent reveal out-of-state companies or cannabis industry insiders have repeatedly attempted to use qualified applicants to win the licenses but then largely shut them out of the profit."
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Alleged 'predatory' contracts continue to surface in Missouri social-equity marijuana program * Missouri Independent
Contract tied to six revoked marijuana microbusiness licenses aimed to give investor full ownership of the business
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