Should Kansas City Admit Toy Train Streetcar FAIL Amid Shutdown?!?

And so . . . At long last . . . The hour has come round when the "toy train" will go silent with only continued promises of better days to offer hope to the plebs.

Meanwhile . . . 

Those wretched souls selling urban planning dreams continue to prescribe mass transit for poorer people whilst downplaying their own access to luxury vehicles. 

A few things to consider this morning . . .

- When fake toy train transit shuts down, what real transit replaces it??? (Hint: It's the bus, it has always been the bus . . .) 

- Given recent sketchy transit deals in local real estate . . . Most voters should now understand that the toy train was never about moving people effectively, it's a development scam scheme

- Worst of all . . . The streetcar is an engine for STATE-SPONSORED GENTRIFICATION. This isn't the free market at work . . . The tax-funded toy train streetcar has paved the way for some the most corrupt real estate deals this town has ever witnesses and most of them have been awarded to political friends & allies of the ridiculous hype machine. 

As the toy train rests and reloads for it's assault on Midtown.

Understand . . . 


Any reasonable person that watches "mass transit" shut down for a month with little or no impact on the populace is justified in asking serious questions. 

Meanwhile . . . Our local media haven't done much to investigate this sketchy operation that has progressed by way of gerrymandering, shady developer deals and phony ridership stats. 

For now . . .

In fairness . . .

Here's the cover story for this rolling garbage in the making . . .

"This construction activity for the next several weeks represents a key step in extending the KC Streetcar system and bringing enhanced transit access to more of Kansas City," Director of Communication Donna Mandelbaum said. "We appreciate the public's patience as we work to deliver a stronger and more connected KC Streetcar transit system."

Drivers in the metro should expect some delays on Main Street . . .

Read more via link . . .

KC Streetcar stops service for a month for Main Street extension

Developing . . . 
