Lenexa, Kansas Council Votes Against Homeless Shelter

First, allow us a quick tribute because this is a blog after all. 

In fact . . . Some of our snarkiest of snarky readers claim that all we do here is aggregate but there are plenty of cheap Chinese apps and AI garbage that can do that same thing.

Our TKC goodness was earned the hard way by watching the Kansas City metro closely over a lifetime, doing a sh*t ton of research, sharing resources, knowing more than a bit about the voodoo of local politics and mixing all together with dumb jokes and a high tolerance for abuse . . . Do all that and you MIGHT be able to make about $75 per month with the right ad server.

But I digress . . . 

What TKC will not do anymore is bother the Almighty with prayers for patience whilst sitting through HOURS UPON HOURS OF PUBLIC TESTIMONY from neighborhood d-bags and busybodies in order to FINALLY get a decision from the bottom-rung of local politicos. 

However . . .

We all owe a debt of gratitude to reporters like KCTV5's @CWatkinsNews for suffering through a Lenexa City Hall meeting until past 1AM whilst the council juiced every second worth of drama out of their decision regarding homeless housing. 

BTW . . . 

Shame on Lenexa City Council for keeping people up that late on weeknight. 

Sadly, we've watched many people ruin their lives for a career in local politics and here's a secret:


Seriously, a stamp collection, maybe a visit to a swinger's club with a curious & consenting spouse or a cooking class would be much more rewarding AND probably keep family relationships intact. 

Again . . . 

Sorry for the digression but if the Lenexa council was going to tease this one like a g*damn episode of The Bachelor then we can't be blamed for doing the same. 

Accordingly . . .  

Here's the crux of the public drama anti-climax wherein the apex lasted more than 6 hours . . . And that kinda sounds impressive but it's not because, like most things, it only needed to last about 15 minutes. 

Check the supercut version that is 5 hours, 59 minutes and 55 seconds more succinct . . . 

"By a vote of 5 to 2, the Lenexa City Council adopted the Planning Commission's denial of the proposed homeless shelter and denied the special use permit."

Actually . . . It's kinda sad to think that prayer vigil outside this public meeting clearly didn't work. 

But it gets worse . . . 

Here's a bit of word salad from the top lady honcho in Lenexa that should give anyone enough reason to give up on Democracy altogether . . . Even if they agree with the outcome . . . 

Summary of statement by Lenexa Mayor Julie Sayers

"On behalf of the Lexexa professional staff, planning commission and governing body, I hope our message is not one of failure by the applicant or rejection by our team, but rather a chance to learn from this process how all the relevant stakeholders in Johnson County can work together to find a countywide solution to the problem of homelessness . . ."

Ugh . . . With the ability to serve up that kind of rhetorical gumbo . . . She could be President one day. 

And then maybe she might be able to do something about so many Lenexa apartments filled with around 20 Honduran-guys-a-piece as they rest from working 12 hour shifts at various corporate chicken dispensaries. 

But again . . . I digress . . . 

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Lenexa.com: City Council decision and statement from Mayor Sayers

Developing . . . 
