Our favorite conservative sports talker reads dead-tree tea leaves this morning and comes away with a surprising conclusion . . . Here's the money line:
"The New York Times has Trump leading the national vote by 1.5 points over Kamala Harris which would give Trump a 99.9% chance of winning the election."
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Brady is Awful, Royals Sweep Twins, Mizzou to #6, Tyreek Cuffed, NY Times Poll Favors Trump, Bernie Says Truth, BFF's Get Away | Kevin Kietzman Has Issues
Tom Brady is the GOAT when it comes to playing football, nobody can argue that. Now, he's the WOAT when it comes to broadcasting after demonstrating in his debut with Fox Sports on Sunday that he's the worst in the NFL. He froze. He choked. He panicked.
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