Kansas Survey Seyz Po'Folk Stay Losing Ahead Of Missouri Sports Gambling Vote

OR . . . That blonde hot mom on all of those Youtube commercials is probably just doing spokesperson work and she doesn't REALLY love cash for education paid for by degenerate gambling addicts.

Here's the science that most people don't need to understand that the house always wins . . .

While Missourians decide whether to legalize sports betting in their state this November, professor Kevin Pisciotta and his colleagues at the University of Kansas recently published new research on the effects of sports betting on household finances . . .

“[Initially] It was unclear whether most of the growth in sports betting was them expanding their reach among a larger set of the population, or a set of the population that continued to bet more and more. And it seems like it's just as much the latter as the former.”

Pisciotta said that information on who bet the most, and where their money came from, was just as revealing.

“Almost all of our effects are concentrated in those that we would call 'financially constrained,'" he explained. "The median person in that constrained group would have savings around $0 each year. And so they're naturally running up against these savings constraints already, and they add this additional form of consumption.”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Ahead of Missouri sports betting vote, KU professors worry about effect of widespread gambling

Missouri will become the latest state to vote on legalizing sports betting this November. Researchers from the University of Kansas fear sports betting could have a negative impact on Missouri families' finances, and increase gambling addiction.
