Kansas City Star Scrutinizes Living Situation Of Senator Marshall

Real estate reporting mostly gets a rise out of the gullible . . . And for anybody who know the game. The vivid descriptions presuppose luxury but that's kinda debatable . . . Still, there are good deets about travel at taxpayer expense that will serve to influence NOBODY either way.

Here's what might pass for reporting . . .

Some 1,500 miles away in Sarasota, Florida, the Kansas Republican keeps a much larger and more expensive house that includes a boat dock on a bayou and is only a short walk away from Sarasota Bay. At 1,949 square feet, the three-bedroom, two-bathroom house is valued at $1.2 million, more than eight times the appraised value of the cabin and surrounding land near St. John in Stafford County.

Four years into his Senate term – and eight years after he was first elected to Congress – Marshall has established a presence in Florida. Kansas’ junior senator has charged taxpayers several thousand dollars for flights and related expenses for trips that include stops in Sarasota while in the Senate; trips his office said were approved by a Senate committee and were for official business.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Roger Marshall calls Kansas cabin home. Official trips took him near $1.2M Florida house

Senator Roger Marshall, Republican, says he lives in a Kansas ranch cabin. He also has a $1.2 million vacation home in Sarasota, Florida.
